Zie A
In December of 2014, Sarah and I were talking about how we'd like to work on a joint project together. In the past I've written short stories that she's done artwork for, but we've never really done a big project together. We began talking about doing a comic together, since Sarah is interested in comic making and I need a partner to encourage me to finish my stories.One day while walking around my neighborhood we were shooting ideas back and forth. I had an idea brewing in the back of my mind but it wasn't fully developed yet, so we talked it out and a half-formed idea became two main characters and the beginnings to a romance. It wasn't until January 2015, about when we were each leaving to go back to college that the idea came into fruition. Soon we had six main characters, the plot to our comic, the first 15 pages written, and the first 9 pages drawn!
Now that finals are finished and we both have time to dedicate to this comic, we plan on finishing what we've started.
Sarah D
As said, this story was talked and discussed together dozens of time when walking, texting or messaging each other. I'm glad we are doing this together, using two ways to convey this story. I have always wanted to create a comic/ graphic novel; I still have a bunch of stories that I want to illustrate. but I cannot call myself a writer to make a flowing narrative. But with working with Zie, I am able to take her words and turn hem into a visual picture for people to interpret (which was what I always had desires to).
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